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December 2024: Sophie Arnold has received a 2025-2026 Dean's Dissertation Fellowship from NYU's Graduate School of Arts & Science. This Fellowship recognizes excellence and exceptional promise in the work of advanced graduate students who are writing their doctoral dissertations. Congratulations, Sophie!! So well-deserved!
November 2024: Starting in January 2025, Andrei will begin a 2-year term as Associate Editor at the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.
October 2024: Andrei received a visiting fellowship from the Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Evaluation of Public Policies (LIEPP), a research platform at Sciences Po (Paris, France). Awarded through the 4th LIEPP International Scholars in Policy Evaluation programme, the visiting fellowship will allow Andrei to spend one month in residence at Sciences Po during 2025.
October 2024: Andrei, along with PhD students Sophie Arnold and Aashna Poddar, received a Global Opportunity Grant to organize a workshop at NYU Berlin in June 2026. The workshop will be titled "Challenging Stereotypes: Prosocial Behavior, Gender, and Economic Equity" and will bring together experts from NYU and German institutions to examine how gender stereotypes about prosociality contribute to inequity in the workplace.
June 2024: More happy job news! Adam Stanaland will start this fall as an assistant professor in the Department of Psychology at University of Richmond! Congratulations, Adam!!
June 2024: Lab alum April Bailey, who is currently on the faculty at University of New Hampshire, will start a new faculty position in the Department of Psychology at University of Edinburgh (UK) in the fall! Congratulations, April!
May 2024: The Society for Research in Child Development recently awarded lab alum Vivian Liu a Small Grant for Early Career Scholars for her postdoctoral work on youth peacebuilding. Congratulations, Vivian!!
February 2024: Two lab alums were named Rising Stars by the Association for Psychological Science: April Bailey and Andrea Vial! This early-career award "recognizes researchers whose innovative work has already advanced the field and signals great potential for their continued contributions." Huge congrats to April and Andrea on this wonderful and well-deserved honor!! With their awards, the number of Rising Stars within the CDL family now totals five. Lin Bian, Matt Hammond, and Ryan Lei also won this honor in 2019, 2020, and 2022, respectively.
February 2024: Lab members Sophie Arnold and Aashna Poddar are collaborating with Seleste Beaulieu (Concordia University) and Johannes Bullinger (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München) to organize a pre-conference worship at the 2024 meeting of the Cognitive Development Society in Pasadena, CA. The workshop is titled, Stereotypes vs. Reality: Are there Gender Differences in the Development of Prosociality, and Why Should We Care? Please join us!
January 2024: The lab's research on gender bias in chess was included in the American Psychological Association Editor's Choice newsletter, which "features the most exciting new findings in psychological science selected by APA Journal Editors."
October 2023: Andrei will present the lab's research at a symposium on diversity and inclusion in art and science organized at the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences on November 8, 2023.
September 2023: The lab's research on gender differences in academics' career trajectories was included in the American Psychological Association Editor's Choice newsletter, which "features the most exciting new findings in psychological science selected by APA Journal Editors."
September 2023: Andrei was invited to present the lab's work at the 2023 Math Summit organized by a number of U.S. governmental organizations, including the Department of Education, the National Science Foundation, and the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. The goal of the Summit is to disseminate the latest scholarship on strategies to address the unprecedented crisis facing students following the COVID-19 pandemic.
August 2023: Andrei has been appointed as a Visiting Research Fellow at the Centre for Research on Social Inequalities at Sciences Po in Paris. He will be visiting during October and November 2023.
June 2023: Lab alumna Lin Bian was awarded the American Psychological Association's 2024 Boyd McCandless Award, which recognizes young scientists who have made distinguished contributions to developmental psychology. Woohoo!! Congratulations, Lin -- we're so thrilled for you!!
May 2023: On June 9, lab alumna Andrea Vial and Andrei are organizing an interdisciplinary workshop on the theme of understanding gender gaps in science and technology from a global perspective. The workshop will bring together leading experts on this topic, including Maria Charles (Sociology, UC Santa Barbara), Thomas Breda (Paris School of Economics), and Nilanjana (Buju) Dasgupta (Psychology, UMass Amherst). The workshop is organized with support from a 19 Washington Square North Faculty Fellowship awarded to Andrea and Andrei.
May 2023: The lab got together to celebrate the end of the academic year. We had a lot to celebrate!
Kathryn Jano, Maya Kreitman, and Violet Brede completed their honors theses in the lab. All three of them won 1st place in their talk (Kathryn and Violet) or poster (Maya) panels at NYU's Annual Undergraduate Research Conference! Kathryn also won the Hillary Anne Citrin Memorial Award for Outstanding Honors Thesis.
Six of our undergraduate students won awards from the Dean's Undergraduate Research Fund ($1,000 each for their research in the lab): Ahmed Hussein, Jie Lu, Kathryn Jano, Maya Kreitman, Mohamed Eleish, and Violet Brede.
Three students completed master's theses in the lab: Ana Aguirre, Gabby Applebaum, and Shan Gao. Gabby and Shan also won NYU Master-Mentorship Model Awards ($750 each for their research), and Gabby won 1st place in her poster session at the Annual NYU Masters Psychology Research Conference.
What a year!! Congratulations, everyone, and have a great summer!
April 2023: Vivian Liu successfully defended her dissertation! Congratulations, Dr. Liu!!!
March 2023: Members of the lab, past and present, got together over happy-hour drinks at SRCD 2023!
March 2023: Many members of the lab are traveling to the conference of the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) to present their research! This year, the SRCD conference is taking place in Salt Lake City between March 23 and 25.
February 2023: We are excited to welcome two new lab managers to our team, both of whom will start this summer: Abby Binder, who is currently an Honors student in Dr. Susan Gelman's lab at University of Michigan, and Lucia Vilches, who is currently a research assistant in Dr. Elizabeth Spelke's lab at Harvard University. Welcome, Abby and Lucia!!!
November 2022: The lab's research on gender stereotypes among children was used in a UNICEF policy brief on addressing gender inequalities in early education and in a UNESCO brief on early childhood care and education.
October 2022: A team of collaborators (PI: Catherine Verniers, Université Paris Cité) that includes the lab received a €70,956 grant from the Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Evaluation of Public Policies at Sciences Po to investigate potential side effects of role model interventions in STEM: Do these interventions backfire by drawing attention away from structural barriers to women’s STEM pursuit and legitimizing existing gender inequities?
September 2022: Vivian Liu accepted a position as a postdoctoral researcher with Dr. Laura Taylor at University College Dublin! She will be working on a project investigating youth peacebuilding in conflict-affected countries around the world. Congratulations, Vivian!!
June 2022: Our lab is welcoming three new members this summer! Aashna Poddar will be starting as a PhD student, and Bethany Lassetter and Adam Stanaland are joining us as postdoctoral fellows! Welcome, all!!
June 2022: Daniela Galvez-Cepeda won the Dr. Vicki L. Schechtman Scholarship from the Association for Women in Science, which will support her internship in our lab this summer. Way to go, Dani!!
April 2022: Andrei was voted President-Elect of the Cognitive Development Society.
April 2022: Melis Muradoglu successfully defended her dissertation! Woohoo! Go, Melis!!
April 2022: Melis Muradoglu accepted a position as a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University, where she will be working with Carol Dweck. Congratulations, Melis!! We're thrilled for you!
April 2022: Andrei was appointed visiting faculty ("professeur invité") at Université Paris 8 this summer.
March 2022: Lab alumna Lin Bian won a CAREER award from the National Science Foundation! Way to go, Lin!! We're so proud of you!
March 2022: The Association for Psychological Science featured our lab's work as part of their celebration of Women’s History Month!
February 2022: Aashna Poddar won the Gender Preconference Student Poster Award at the 2022 Annual Convention of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP). Aashna's research uses language data to investigate the intersection of race and gender biases. Congratulations, Aashna!!
February 2022: Andrei and his collaborators Azzurra Ruggeri, Samuel Ronfard, Joshua Rottman, and Candice Mills are organizing a preconference before the meeting of the Cognitive Development Society (April 21st; Madison, WI): Balancing trust and skepticism in the times of fake news: The development of epistemic reasoning and intellectual humility.
January 2022: Lab alumna Jess Gladstone accepted a tenure-track faculty position in the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Illinois! Woohoo!! Congratulations, Jess!
October 2021: Our lab was profiled in the October issue of the American Psychological Association's magazine, Monitor on Psychology!
September 2021: Our research on the impostor phenomenon among academics was featured by Science in their News at a Glance section and by the National Science Foundation in one of their newsletters!
August 2021: The lab was awarded a $20,000 pilot grant through the Templeton Foundation's Virtual Research Network on the Development of Intellectual Humility, of which Andrei is a member. The project will investigate the development of epistemic partisanship—the tendency to learn about the world in ways that favors one's ingroup's values and norms. This project was launched with a $10,000 prototyping grant awarded to the lab by the Virtual Research Network earlier in 2021.
August 2021: Kate Block was offered a position as an assistant professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Amsterdam! She will be starting in November 2021. We're so happy for you, Kate!! Congratulations!
August 2021: April Bailey accepted a tenure-track faculty position in the Department of Psychology at the University of New Hampshire starting in Fall 2022. Congratulations, April!!!
April 2021: Andrei and Jess Gladstone received a $14,800 seed award from The Institute of Human Development and Social Change at NYU for an analysis of biographies of famous scientists written for children. They will investigate how prominent motivation dimensions (e.g., fixed vs. growth mindsets about ability and interest) are reflected in this popular category of children's books.
March 2021: We will be presenting our research at the upcoming conferences of the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) and American Educational Research Association (AERA) from April 7 to April 11, 2021. Check out our lab's schedule of presentations for SRCD and AERA! Hope to see you there!
March 2021: The Institute of Education Sciences, which is the research arm of the U.S. Department of Education, highlighted the lab's research in a blog post!
February 2021: Our lab's research was featured in a Tip of the Week from the Character Lab! Check it out!
December 2020: Dr. Kate Block is joining the lab as a postdoctoral fellow! Kate obtained her PhD from The University of British Columbia, where she worked with Drs. Toni Schmader and Andy Baron. Welcome, Kate!! We're thrilled to have you in the lab!
December 2020: Melis Muradoglu won the Grinker Award, which is a dissertation completion fellowship awarded by the Department of Psychology at NYU. Congratulations, Melis!!
December 2020: Andrei was promoted from Associate Professor to Professor, effective January 1, 2021. Yay!!
July 2020: Tenelle Porter (University of Pennsylvania) and Andrei received a $235,000 grant from the Templeton Foundation to understand the circumstances under which students—and particularly students from stigmatized groups—feel uncomfortable admitting to others that they don't know or understand something, which may be an obstacle to learning.
May 2020: Andrei and his collaborators Sapna Cheryan (University of Washington), Joe Cimpian (NYU), and Sarah Lubienski (Indiana University) received a $1.4 million grant from the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) to investigate the development and consequences of the gender stereotype that attributes boys' math success to their innate talent and girls' math success to their effort.
May 2020: The lab welcomes Natalie Hutchins, who is joining us as a lab coordinator! Natalie is a 2020 graduate of Franklin & Marshall College, where she worked with Drs. Krista Casler and Lauren Howard. So glad to have you in the lab, Natalie!
April 2020: The National Science Foundation awarded Andrei and his collaborators Brian Donovan (BSCS Science Learning) and Catherine Riegle-Crumb (UT Austin) a $2 million grant to research how to teach genetics in high school without reinforcing essentialist views of gender differences.
April 2020: Sophie Arnold won a Graduate Research Fellowship from the National Science Foundation! Woohoo! Congratulations, Sophie!!!
April 2020: We're thrilled to welcome Sophie Arnold as a PhD student in our lab. Sophie graduated from University of Chicago and worked as a lab coordinator for Dr. Yarrow Dunham at Yale before joining us. She will be exploring the development of gender stereotypes and sociomoral reasoning, among other topics. Welcome, Sophie!!
April 2020: The lab welcomes Dr. April Bailey, who will start as a postdoctoral fellow with us this summer! April has a PhD in Social and Personality Psychology from Yale, where she worked with Jack Dovidio, Marianne LaFrance, and Josh Knobe on a range of topics in social cognition. We're so glad you're joining us, April!!
March 2020: The lab is excited to welcome our newest member: Natalie Toomajian! Natalie will be one of our lab's coordinators. She has a bachelor's degree from University of Michigan, where she was a lab coordinator for Dr. Henry Wellman. We're excited that you're joining us, Natalie!
February 2020: Andrei will speak at a symposium organized by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine on the underrepresentation of women in STEMM.
December 2019: Andrea Vial accepted a position as Assistant Professor of Psychology at New York University Abu Dhabi! She will be starting in Fall 2020. Congratulations, Andrea, and best of luck!!!
November 2019: Our newest research on gender stereotypes was featured in the print edition of the Los Angeles Times! Click to read the piece, authored by Amina Khan.
October 2019: The lab presented their newest work at the Cognitive Development Society conference on October 18 and 19. Click here for a summary of their presentations, in the form of a tweetstorm!
September 2019: One of our members was awarded a 3-year National Research Service Award (NRSA) Postdoctoral Fellowship by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development! Congratulations!!!
August 2019: We're excited to welcome Jess Gladstone, who is joining the lab as a postdoctoral fellow! Jess worked with Allan Wigfield at University of Maryland for her PhD. In our lab, she will be exploring the factors that affect children's motivation (e.g., stereotypes, role models).
June 2019: Vivian and Andrei, along with collaborators Isobel Heck, Radhika Santhanagopalan, and Katie Kinzler, will be organizing a workshop on the development of political thought at the Cognitive Development Society conference this fall. Applications for posters and blitz talks are open through August 16!
June 2019: Andrei was appointed Associate Editor at Child Development, the flagship journal of the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD).
April 2019: Our research is on the cover of NYU's Alumni Magazine!
April 2019: The United Nations tweeted about our lab's research as part of their celebrations for the International Girls in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Day.
March 2019: Andrei will deliver a keynote address at the 11th Annual Conference on Understanding Interventions that Broaden Participation in Science Careers.
January 2019: Lab alumna Lin Bian was named a Rising Star by the Association for Psychological Science. This award is presented yearly to outstanding psychological scientists in the earliest stages of their research career post-PhD. Way to go, Lin!! We're so proud!
December 2018: Ryan Lei accepted a position as assistant professor in the Department of Psychology at Haverford College! Congratulations, Ryan!!!
October 2018: NYU president Andrew Hamilton highlighted our lab's research on gender stereotypes in one of his emails to the university community.
October 2018: Our lab is announcing a collaboration with Mattel, who will fund a postdoctoral fellow in the lab to conduct basic research investigating the factors that limit young girls' aspirations.
October 2018: Andrei and collaborators Luciana Carraro (University of Padova, Italy) and Michal Reifen Tagar (IDC Herzliya, Israel) were awarded a €32,000 grant to investigate the early expressions and antecedents of political orientation in young children. The grant also provides funds for an international workshop on this topic, to be held at University of Padova in 2019.
September 2018: Andrei was named Kavli Fellow by the National Academy of Sciences. Kavli Fellows are selected by a committee of Academy members from among young researchers who have already made recognized contributions to science, including recipients of major national fellowships and awards and who have been identified as future leaders in science. Andrei will his present his research at the 2019 U.S. Kavli Frontiers of Science symposium.
September 2018: Welcome to Vivian Liu, who is starting out this year as a graduate student in the lab! Vivian, a Wesleyan grad, will be doing research on stereotyping, bias, and ways to reduce them. We're excited to have her as part of our team!
July 2018: We're excited to welcome the newest member of our team, Dr. Andrea Vial! Andrea has a PhD in social psychology from Yale, where she worked with Jack Dovidio, Marianne LaFrance, and Jaime Napier. She studies the psychological underpinnings of gender disparities, a line of work she will continue as a postdoctoral fellow in the lab.
June 2018: Andrei was appointed as a 2018-2019 Visiting Researcher at the Russell Sage Foundation. He will spend his time at the Foundation discussing and writing up his research on the development of gender stereotypes.
May 2018: Daniel Storage successfully defended his dissertation. Congratulations, Dr. Storage, and best of luck in your new life as a prof!
April 2018: Ellie Chestnut was offered a faculty position in the Psychology Department at her alma mater, Pomona College!
April 2018: Lin Bian will be joining the faculty in the Department of Human Development at Cornell as the Evalyn Edwards Milman Assistant Professor of Human Development. Congratulations, Lin!
February 2018: Daniel Storage has accepted a faculty position in the Department of Psychology at the University of Denver. Congratulations, Daniel!
January 2018: Andrei was awarded the 2018 American Psychological Association (APA) Distinguished Scientific Award for Early Career Contribution to Psychology.
December 2017: Our paper on the development of gender stereotypes about brilliance was ranked 5th in Altmetric's Top 100 most-discussed papers of 2017 (out of a total 2.2 million research outputs tracked).
October 2017: The Mindset Scholars Network and the Gates Foundation awarded the lab and collaborator Nim Tottenham (Columbia) $75,000 to study learning mindsets among children who have faced early adversity.
September 2017: The Psychonomic Society organized a "digital event" to celebrate the publication of the special issue on explanation co-edited by Andrei and Frank Keil. Click to read the guest posts about the special issue.
September 2017: A special issue on explanation co-edited by Andrei and Frank Keil will appear in the October issue of Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. The articles will be open-access for a month.
August 2017: Andrei published an opinion piece on the validity of the scientific claims in former Google employee James Damore's memo.
August 2017: We're excited to welcome three new lab members: Jilana Boston (new PhD student), Ellie Chestnut, and Ryan Lei (new postdocs)!
July 2017: Our research on gender stereotypes was featured on Sunday Night with Megyn Kelly on NBC.
May 2017: The lab's research on gender stereotypes about brilliance was presented at the Gendered Creative Teams Workshop 2017 at the Central European University in Budapest.
May 2017: The lab's research on stereotypes as generic beliefs was presented at a workshop held at the Center for the Study of Language and Information at Stanford.
March 2017: Zach Horne will start as an Assistant Professor of Psychology at Arizona State in January 2018. Well deserved, Zach!
February & March 2017: Lin Bian, Christina Tworek, and Larisa Hussak all successfully defended their dissertations! Congrats, Drs. Bian, Tworek, and Hussak!
February 2017: Lin Bian has accepted a postdoctoral fellowship in the Department of Psychology at Stanford. Congratulations, Lin!
January 2017: Our lab's research on the development of stereotypes about intellectual ability was published in the journal Science and covered by major media outlets.
December 2016: Our lab received a $50K seed grant from the Mindset Scholars Network and the Raikes Foundation to investigate the relationship between teachers' mindsets and students' learning!
September 2016: We are excited to announce that the Brooklyn Children's Museum has agreed to enter into a partnership with our lab!
September 2016: Our lab has formed a partnership with the American Museum of Natural History!
July 2016: Matt Hammond has accepted a faculty position at Victoria University of Wellington in his native New Zealand!
June 2016: Shelbie Sutherland has accepted a postdoc position at the University of Toronto!
June 2016: Erika Salomon is now a fellow of the Center for Data Science and Public Policy at the University of Chicago!
May 2016: Andrei (co-PI) and Eva Pomerantz (PI) received a $1.90 million grant from the National Science Foundation to facilitate children’s math learning via their parents’ mindsets.
November 2015: Andrei organized The Process of Explanation, Psychonomic Society’s 2015 Leading Edge Workshop, in Champaign, IL.
August 2015: Andrei (PI) and Sarah-Jane Leslie (co-PI) received a $1.31 million grant from the National Science Foundation to study the acquisition of gender stereotypes about intelligence.
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